Alphonse Jacobs

Al Jacobs was born and educated in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Upon graduation from the Hogere Technische School, he came to Canada in 1960. His involvement with museum environmental requirements came early in 1984 with a request for assistance from the Royal Ontario Museum (the ROM) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Bringing his extensive expertise in industrial process air technology to this challenge, resulted in his design of the first active control unit (called Micro Climate Generator) .In 1985 he was granted a patent for his design and subsequently eighty of these small precision humidity control devices, that were unprecedented at the time, were delivered to the ROM. Ongoing consultation and requests for assistance by museums across North America resulted in the development of the first large humidity controller in 1992. Mr. Jacobs remains actively involved in the development of new technology and application of innovative designs to meet the ever increasing challenges of today’s museum requirements around the world.